Dun’t ya agree wif dis --- “if trust no longer exists, it's hard 2 regain unless it ends wif 4give ard 4get.”
We're reluctant to 4give ard even less inclined to 4get. We hold grudges, keep b00k on 1 another, rmb dat hurt feeling, da injustice done 2 us… we dwell on it, nurture it, walk it around.
4get? errr… we might hv trouble rmb-ing birthdays ard anniversaries, but hv no trouble rmb-ing wrongs done 2 us. Some ppl tend 2 make up details dat take as facts, it's human nature 2 create stories abt evrything ard fill in da missing pieces. However they 4get dats subjectives stories change according to our changing life situations. Da more self-confident we're, da kinder da interpretation, kindness fortifies ur self-worth.
Despite da phrase
4GIVE ard 4GET, some ppl said 4givin’ doesn't mean forgettin’. i was stunned. How cum it's not 4giveness wen ya say, "ok, i 4give ya!" i know it's not very easy to 4give sum1 who has done wrong 2 ya or hurted ya in some manner, but once ya did it.. there's nothing lie it. Maybe it must b done bcoz' ya're tired of being a prisoner of ur own -ve emotions.
4giving, i feel is da highest form of human behavior dat cud b shown 2 another person. 4getting is equally imp. 2 let go ard break da cold war ard set ya free. Perhaps things aren't always in black ard white, wut hurts ya may sometimes b just ur view @ dat point in time, as we tend to look @ da world fm da centre point. Omg… i tink no matter wut, ppl deserves 1 more chanz ard evrything cud b forgiven & forgotten ONCE. If it happens again, pack ur bags ard run. There’s no excuse 4 it EVER happening again.
Life is too short b unhappy, ya’ve 2 take da good wif da bad, grudges r a waste of perfect happiness. Laugh wen ya can, apologize wen ya shd & let go of wut ya can't change 4 TWICE. Live ur life 2 da fullest wif NO hard feelings @all.
3 cheers 2 YA 4 doing dat =D
P.S.: thx 4 da votes in my MSN & FB, i.e. 4give 4get? or 4get 4give? many frenz cum 2 ask me wut’s da difference between them. omg… I tink… da result is different in terms of da ranking. Anyway, poll ends ard thx for da vote XD